# Sponsors
Sponsor the creativity of talented developers in your community by becoming a gate.Crash sponsor! We are a registered non-profit, so your donations are tax-deductible.
Grant sponsors
Work with us to make gate.Crash great. Provide direct sponsorship to gate.Crash to have a presence at the full 3-day event.
Prize sponsors
Send in some prizes – send in some merch! You can show support with as little as $20 by sending in a prize, but over $500 in contributions gets your logo a place on gate.Crash swag.
Scholarship sponsors
For as little as $80, you can sponsor the attendance of an individual who might not otherwise be able to come! Your pre-payment to gate.Crash will be provided to a scholarship recipient based on need.
Participating sponsors
Send your employees to gate.Crash! gate.Crash is an extraordinary opportunity to help your employees hone new skills and network with some of the best in the business.